Press release
5月20日是世界计量日,是1875年在巴黎签署《米制公约》的周年纪念日。这一公约为建立全球协调一致的测量体系奠定了基础,为科学发现与创新、工业制造、国际贸易,乃至生活质量提升和全球环境保护提供支撑。20 May is World Metrology Day, commemorating the anniversary of the signing of the Metre Convention in Paris, in 1875. This treaty provides the basis for a worldwide coherent measurement system that underpins scientific discovery and innovation, industrial manufacturing and international trade, as well as the improvement of the quality of life and the protection of the global environment.2024 年世界计量日的主题是“可持续发展”,选择这一主题,是因为多种测量对于促进全球经济和环境可持续发展都至关重要。例子包括工业、建筑和交通中的能耗测量,农业和林业资源管理,污染源确定,以及环保目标的设定。准确测量汽车尾气排放和燃料消耗,对于遵守交通法规和设计可持续的交通方案至关重要。通过准确测量对生产流程和废物流进行评估和管理,有助于更好地履行环境管理职责。The theme for World Metrology Day 2024 is Sustainability, chosen for its relevance to various measurement opportunities crucial for fostering a sustainable global economy and environment. Examples include measuring energy use in industries, buildings and transportation, managing resources in agriculture and forestry, identifying pollution sources, and setting targets for environmental protection. Accurate measurements of vehicle emissions and fuel consumption are vital for regulatory compliance and designing sustainable transportation options. The assessment and management of manufacturing processes and waste streams, facilitated by accurate measurements, contribute to improved environmental stewardship.纵观全球,各国国家计量院致力于通过开发和验证各种复杂尖端的新测量技术,持续推动测量科学进步。同时,积极参加国际计量局(BIPM)或区域计量组织开展的测量比对,以确保全球测量结果的可靠。Across the world, national metrology laboratories continually advance measurement science by developing and validating new measurement techniques at the necessary level of sophistication. The national metrology institutes participate in measurement comparisons coordinated by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) or by the Regional Metrology Organizations, to ensure the reliability of measurement results worldwide.国际法制计量组织(OIML)制定“国际建议”,旨在实现多领域相关要求的全球一致性和协调性,并通过实施国际法制计量组织证书互认制度(OIML-CS),促进法制管理的计量器具的国际互认和全球贸易。The International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) develops International Recommendations, which aim to align and harmonize requirements worldwide in many fields. The OIML also operates the OIML Certification System (OIML-CS) which facilitates international acceptance and global trade of regulated measuring instruments.这些国际计量体系为测量的准确性提供了必要的保证和信心,为当今的全球贸易奠定了坚实基础,并帮助我们为应对未来挑战做好准备。These international metrology systems provide the necessary assurance and confidence that measurements are accurate, providing a sound basis for global trade today and helping us to prepare for the challenges of tomorrow.世界计量日旨在肯定和颂扬所有工作在政府间组织、区域组织和国家计量机构中的人们一年来为计量所做的贡献。2023年11月,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)第42届大会正式承认每年5月20日的世界计量日庆祝活动,这是一个重要里程碑。这一认可凸显了计量在推动全球科学合作中发挥的关键作用,为促进计量发展开辟了新的途径,并与联合国教科文组织“通过科学和教育建设更美好世界”的使命相吻合。World Metrology Day acknowledges and honors the contributions of individuals working in intergovernmental, regional, and national metrology organizations and institutes year-round. In November 2023, a significant milestone was reached as the UNESCO General Conference, during its 42nd Session, officially recognized the celebration on 20 May annually. Underscoring its pivotal role in advancing global scientific cooperation, this endorsement opens up new avenues to promote metrology, aligning with UNESCO's mission to build a better world through science and education.更多信息,包括局长致辞、海报及庆祝活动,请访问www.worldmetrologyday.orgFurther information, including a message from the Directors, posters,
and a list of events, is available at www.worldmetrologyday.org联系方式:wmd@worldmetrologyday.org