Measurement for Health
World Metrology Day in 2021 comes at a time when the world is focussed on making a quick and effective recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The speed and severity with which the virus impacted people around the world at the beginning of 2020 forced governments to respond rapidly. Right from the beginning, new measurement requirements emerged, starting with the need for large-scale testing for the presence of the virus and the performance of personal protective equipment. Subsequently, the development of vaccines has depended on accurate identification and measurement of complex protein and RNA molecules.
The enormous scale of these requirements has changed national priorities globally; governments have re-focussed established science capabilities to meet the challenge of protecting their populations from the impact of the virus. The metrology community around the globe has been involved with these new national and global challenges, and has used its established experience of measurement science to address national needs such as by:
setting up systems to test masks needed for personal protection,
contributing to the design and testing of new ventilator systems needed in hospitals,
identifying and counting virus molecules in test samples, and
measuring the efficacy of vaccine doses.
This has been possible because of established technical capabilities to support many of the measurements needed to protect and improve health. These include:
developing international standards for all types of medical devices with a measuring function, including automated blood-pressure instruments, ophthalmic instruments and medical syringes,
underpinning clinical laboratory testing by ensuring that measurements made by medical thermometers are in line with the internationally recognised temperature scale,
ensuring that patients experience the correct dose of X-rays during diagnostic procedures, and
providing the basis for accurate therapeutic doses of radiation in the treatment of cancer.
We chose the theme “Measurement for Health” for World Metrology Day this year to draw attention to the importance of measurement to support the protection of health. It comes at a time when the experience and capabilities invested in metrology organisations around the world have been turned at short notice to address new national health challenges.
We wish you a very successful World Metrology Day 2021 and look forward to receiving your posters and details of any events you are holding.
2021年5•20世界计量日 国际计量局和国际法制计量局 领导人寄语 测量支撑卫生保健 2021年的世界计量日恰逢全世界的目光都聚集在如何从全球大流行的新型冠状病毒肺炎影响中快速有效的恢复。 这场疫情让全世界范围内的人民都受到了影响。2020年初,病毒肆虐的速度和严重程度迫使各国政府迅速做出反应。自一开始,新的测量需求就不断涌现:首先是针对病毒是否存在的大规模检测以及针对个人防护设备性能的大规模测试;随后,疫苗的开发又对复杂蛋白质和RNA分子的准确识别和计量提出了要求。 这些需求的规模如此之巨大,以至于改变了世界各国的优先事项。各国政府都将重点重新放在既有的科学能力上,希望能以此应对这场挑战,保护人民免受病毒影响。全球计量界也置身其间,参与应对这些新出现的国家挑战和全球挑战,并利用测量科学领域积累的丰富经验来满足国家需求,例如: · 建立系统以测试个人防护所需的口罩; · 为医院所需的新呼吸机系统的设计和测试做出贡献; · 识别并计数检验样品中的病毒分子;以及 · 衡量疫苗剂量的功效。 计量界之所以能做出这些响应,得益于已经建立的技术能力能够支持各种各样的测量需求,从而实现对健康利益的保护和改善。这些能力包括: · 为各类具有测量功能的医疗器械制定国际标准,包括自动血压仪、眼科器械和医用注射器; · 支持临床实验室检测,确保医用体温计的测量值符合国际公认的温度标度; · 确保患者在诊断过程中承受的X射线剂量是合规的;以及 · 为癌症治疗中准确的放射治疗剂量提供支撑。 我们之所以选择“测量支撑卫生保健”作为今年世界计量日的主题,就是为了提请人们注意测量对保护健康所起到的重要支撑作用。值此关键时刻,曾经寄希望于全球计量组织而建立的各项经验和能力,在短时间内都投入到了这场新的国家卫生挑战的应对之中。 祝各位2021年世界计量日取得圆满成功,并希望收到大家举办相关活动的宣传海报以及详细信息。 ———编译:李莉萍